My Sally Case Study

What is it?

My Sally is a miscarriage community app for women who have experienced a miscarriage recently and feel like they need support from other people in the same situation.

How does it work?

It helps women who have had a miscarriage connect with other women and share their experiences, get tips on coping and find out more information on the subject of miscarriage.

My Role

Research | Creation | Product Design

My Goal

To help women who have experienced miscarriage feel less alone and heal

The Process

The Process

Research & Discover | Define & Synthesis | Ideate & Prototype | Visual Design

Research & Discover

User Interviews

Define & Synthesis

User Persona, User Flows, & Task Analysis

Ideate & Prototype

Wireframe, Prototype & Usability Testing… Repeat

Visual Design

Style Guide & Final Design


Kandesn Pure Skincare